General Terms and Conditions
1 Subject VBZ offers culinary and cultural tours in its vehicles under the
name «Event Line».
2 Ticket sales (online, at VBZ sales points or by phone) The details on
the website, at the sales points and in advertisements
do not constitute an offer, but are only an invitation to customers to make
an offer. Customers communicate the offer to acquire tickets to VBZ via or verbally.
3 Prices The prices of tickets for Gourmet Line trips are stated in Swiss
francs on the website The prices stated vary depending
on the offer, and include statutory value-added tax. Any delivery or
processing costs are not included. VBZ reserves the right to unilaterally
change the prices at any time. The prices that apply to customers are
those valid at the time of ordering and listed on the order confirmation.
4 Vouchers Vouchers must be used immediately when purchasing, before
payment; otherwise they cannot be accepted.
5 Admission to the Event Line trip The tickets are registered by our
(catering) partner on entry to the Event Line trip. It is not possible to
be admitted more than once with the same ticket. Only the first person to
show each ticket will be admitted.
6 Validity of ticket The ticket entitles the holder to attend the event listed
on the ticket on the date specified. The validity of the ticket cannot be
extended beyond the date of the event.
7 Change to programme and non-performance If events occur that are
outside VBZ’s sphere of influence (e.g. demonstrations, defective vehicle,
disruption to line, accident, government directives), VBZ is entitled to
cancel a Gourmet Line trip, to terminate it or to change the route without
any obligation to pay compensation. In the case of significant underoccupancy
of an event, VBZ retains the right to cancel or postpone a trip. For this reason, trips with less than 65 % occupancy cannot proceed. Replacement tickets can be issued for the same event on another date or a refund can be given as per Section 8.
8 Exchange and return/refunds Customers cannot exchange or return
purchased tickets. This rule does not apply if VBZ cancels an event. In
such a case, the purchase price for the ticket is refunded. The entitlement
to a refund is non-transferable and is due only to the customer who
bought the ticket. The refund payment is made in the same manner as the
payment for the tickets.
9 Duties during attendance at event By purchasing the ticket, customers
acknowledge the admission, transport, safety and other implementation
rules of VBZ. This also includes any requirements laid down by the authorities
in relation to entitlement to enter the respective event. Customers
are aware that they can be excluded from the event without compensation
if they breach these rules or fail to comply with them.
10 Exclusion of liability VBZ rejects any liability for property damage or
personal injury which results from improper conduct of customers. Where
persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs endanger the safety or
order of the Event Line trip. VBZ staff can refuse them entry before the
start of the trip or instruct them to leave the vehicle.
11 Data protection For information on data protection, please refer to the
VBZ data protection policy (in German).
12 Place of jurisdiction and applicable law Zurich is the place of jurisdiction
for any disputes arising from Event Line contracts. Only Swiss
law applies; the application of conflict of law provisions is excluded.
13 Amendments to the GTC VBZ may adjust and amend these GTC at
any time. Customers will be notified in an appropriate manner of adjustments
and amendments to the GTC, in particular by publication of the relevant details on the website The applicable GTC are those available at the time of the order.