“Urchigs Terbil” day trip

“Urchigs Terbil” day trip

“Urchigs Terbil” day trip

How about an excursion to Törbel? This traditional village has a lot to offer in terms of culture and tradition. The package includes the journey by post bus, lunch and a 2.5-hour guided tour of the "Urchigs Terbil" open-air museum. And on the way back, don't miss the Hérens cows being brought back from the mountain pastures to the barn.

  • 10.42am departure from Bürchen, Ronalp by post bus (the departure point from Bürchen can be chosen freely)
  • 11.07am Arrival at Moosalp, with the option of a drink in one of the two Dorbia or Moosalp restaurants.
  • 11.38am transport to Törbel by postbus, to the "Törbel, Furen" stop.
  • then lunch at the Hotel-Restaurant Weisshorn
  • 1.15pm guided tour of Urchigs Terbil, meet at the "Backhüs" (stop of the "Törbel, Oberdorf" postbus)
  • 3.57pm Post bus leaves for Moosalp, stop "Törbel, Kirche", directly to the Bistrotto
  • optional: stop on the Moosalp to admire the Hérens cows
  • 4.45pm or 5.45pm departure by post bus to Bürchen
  • return journey by post bus
  • 2 vouchers for drinks in the Panorama, Moosalp, Dorbia, Weisshorn and Bistrotto restaurants
  • lunch at the Hotel-Restaurant Weisshorn
  • 2h30 guided tour of "Urchigs Terbil"