Culinary art and fine wines

Thursday, 14/11/2024 19:00
Culinary art and fine wines

Culinary art and fine wines

Thursday, 14/11/2024 19:00
Welcome to another "Culinary art and fine wines" event, where everything revolves around the most noble of all spices – saffron. On this special evening, we will take you on a journey into a world full of aromas and sophistication.

Saffron is not only the most expensive spice in the world but also one of the most fascinating. Its deep yellow color and unmistakable aroma give every dish a unique touch. For our event, we use only high-quality saffron from the LBB Gärtnerei beider Basel. This nursery is known for its sustainable and careful cultivation methods, ensuring that every strand of saffron is of the highest quality.

Our kitchen has put together a 4-course menu that showcases the versatility and richness of saffron in every dish. Each course is accompanied by perfectly paired wines, which harmoniously underline the aromas of the saffron and the respective dishes.

The offer includes

♦ Aperitif
♦ Four-course menu
♦ Wine pairing
♦ CHF 25.- gaming credit*
♦ Live music

*Free game credit are only valid on the same day. Not exchangeable, not cumulative, no cash payout.
Category Price (VAT included) Quantity
Standard price
CHF 149.00