#MagicBlue - 3 experiences in Kandersteg

#MagicBlue - 3 experiences in Kandersteg

#MagicBlue - 3 experiences in Kandersteg

3 experiences including 3 cable cars

Visit each of these three stunning places once during summer and autumn: the famous lake Oeschinen, the beautiful lakes between Sunnbüel and the Gemmipass (Arvensee) and Allmenalp with its unspoilt surroundings.

Valid at Gondelbahn Kandersteg Oeschinensee AG, Luftseilbahn Kandersteg-Sunnbüel (Gemmi)  AG, Luftseilbahn Kandersteg-Allmenalp AG
Category Price (VAT included) Quantity
Regular rate, no half fare card
CHF 62.00
Adult with half fare card
Half fare card / GA or Swisspass must be presented at the access gate
CHF 43.00
6 - 16 years, Children under 6 free of charge
CHF 30.00