Book 'Rückschläge und andere Erfolge'

Book 'Rückschläge und andere Erfolge'

by Roman Salzmann and Jürg Opprecht, former owner of the Lenkerhof

Biographical memories of Jürg Opprecht

Jürg Opprecht's life already seemed to be mapped out when he was born in 1950. ‘I'm building all this for you so that you can take over my company one day', his father explains to him rather soon. But he also got a hefty dose of creativity and an understanding of social responsibility from his mother. This mixture, his visionary thinking, illness and the uninfluenceable opens up new horizons, raises questions and leads into abysses. An exciting biography for people in business and society in search of enduring values.

164 pages in german, 16.4 x 23.5 cm
Hardback edition, hardcover 
With 26 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85932-902-7
Published in 2017
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