
Chatbots, cybersecurity, quantum computers, NFTs or the rhythmic world of programming beats - do you want to know what's behind these technologies and how you can use them creatively? Then TechBrunch is just the thing for you! Led by makers, artists and computer scientists, the workshops open doors to a wide range of media and technology topics - whether you're a technophile or a curious beginner. After each workshop, you'll be equipped with the basics to feed into your creative projects, refresh your know-how or simply be inspired.

The TechBrunch workshops are a continuation of the successful KryptoBrunch series. TechBrunch goes beyond the boundaries of Web3 and takes a broad, creative and sometimes surprising perspective on media and technology.

TechBrunch takes place 6 times a year on Sundays.
Sunday, 5/26/2024 12:30 PM