New Year's Eve 2024/25

Tuesday, 31/12/2024 18:30
New Year's Eve 2024/25

New Year's Eve 2024/25

Tuesday, 31/12/2024 18:30
Festive anticipation is in the air - and we invite you and your friends and family to celebrate the turn of the year with us at aigu Restaurant & Bar!

Start the evening at 6.30 pm with a sparkling aperitif and then enjoy a delicious 7-course gala dinner created by our head chef Marcel Scheuner and his team.

Our service team, led by Head of Gastronomy Ehsan Pourhassan, will ensure that your evening is perfect from start to finish - a feast for all the senses.

While you are enjoying the culinary delights, the aigu Bar & Lounge will become a dance hotspot, where DJ Tom Blattmann will keep the party going until the early hours of the morning. Dance into the New Year and make the last night of the year an unforgettable experience.

We look forward to sharing this special moment with you!

Your team from the aigu restaurant

Start of the evening:
We cordially invite you to celebrate the turn of the year with us. The evening begins punctually at 6.30 pm with an aperitif, where we welcome all guests.

Please note:
For table reservations for more than 9 people, we will be happy to advise you by telephone. Please call us on 041 727 47 47.
Your aigu team
Category Price (VAT included) Quantity
New Year's Eve Menu including aperitif & musical entertainment with DJ Tom Blattmann
Festive Menu
CHF 179.00
Vegetarian New Year's Eve Menu including aperitif & musical entertainment with DJ Tom Blattmann
Vegetarian Menu
CHF 165.00